Another Year, Another Album! RPM Challenge 2023

Once again it is only a couple of weeks, less than a week, a day until the start of this year’s RPM Challenge, so it’s time for me to once again write a long-overdue blog post about last year’s recording… As ever, your regular reminder that the RPM Challenge is a challenge to record an […]

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Why, Yes! I Made Another Album… RPM Challenge 2022

Once again I find myself just a week away a couple of days away from the start of this year’s RPM Challenge and realised I should write a post about recording last year’s album. First, the annual reminder that the RPM Challenge is to record an album of original music during the month of February […]

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To Mars! (Musically Speaking)… RPM Challenge 2021

So, with about a week to go before the start of this year’s RPM Challenge, it’s about time I posted something about last year’s recording. First, an apology… I started writing this post months ago, but then I got side-tracked by any number of shiny things and, well, here we are… Earlier last year, as […]

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Thank You, Sir Clive

Yesterday (Thursday 16th September 2021), I was sad to learn that Clive Sinclair has died. When I was younger (back in the early 1980s), I had a passing interest in electronics. My dad (a telephone engineer) taught me to solder. I built a few kits. I could understand simple circuit diagrams. It never went very […]

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